Tuesday 15 January 2013

SensibleQuote.com has a database of installers who can provide solar energy quotes in the UK

Using solar energy is the process of harnessing the suns energy and converting it into electricity for use in your homes. As the sun is a totally renewable source, it gives homeowners the opportunity to receive free electricity. There are various different benefits to be had when you decide to install solar panels to your home.  The Government has introduced many schemes and incentives which are designed to encourage more homeowners to start using solar energy as their primary source of electricity. It is predicted that through the Government Feed in Tariff (FIT) homeowners can save approximately £200- £300 a year on their electricity bills, but also receive up to £900- £1000 a year tax free income. The amount of money that each home makes and saves will vary but figures do provide an example of the potential financial benefits available.

As well as these fantastic financial benefits to the homeowners, solar energy is also great for the environment. The sun is a 100% renewable source which means that no harmful gasses or emissions are being emitted into the environment. This will reduce the effects of global warming, and encourage homeowners to reduce their carbon footprint.

Regardless of these benefits that solar energy can offer you, the decision to fit solar panels to your home is not a decision that should be taken lightly. There are many factors to consider including which aspect of your roof to install the panels to, planning permission, the amount of space you need, the return on investment (ROI), and the most obvious, how you are going to cover the initial outlay. The cost of solar panels has decreased substantially in the past year. This may be down to the changes in the Feed in Tariff (FIT), but also to make it easier for everyone to benefit from them.

One thing that you will not need to worry about though, is finding a reliable surveyor to carry out the work, and provide you with solar energy quotes in the UK. At SensibleQuote.com hold a vast database of installers who are qualified to provide solar energy quotes in the UK which are competitive and realistic. Our range of MCS approved surveyors can answer all of your questions and queries. We are committed to only ever recommending surveyors to you that can offer the most competitive solar energy quotes throughout the UK, as well as ensuring that you get the most of your investment.

By visiting our website, texting, calling or emailing, SensibleQuote.com can offer competitive solar panel energy to anyone regardless of where in the UK you live. We have a vast database of installers that are all qualified to offer solar energy quotes, but also carry out the work to a high standard.  We use external rating sites and trades associations to make sure that you only get recommended with the best tradesmen. - www.sensiblequote.com

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